The latest video from diminutive Icelandic songstress Björk is in anaglyphic 3D. I won't post the video here (because I don't think I have permission), but I will post a link to the Quicktime movie you can watch:

I would recommend that you do not click on the link, but instead right-click it and save the movie to your own computer. That way, you can view it in your preferred Quicktime player rather than your Web browser.

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Bjork's 3-D video, "Wanderlust"

This thing you are reading is "Bjork's 3-D video, "Wanderlust"." It was posted by Sean Gleeson in the Video category on July 2, 2008 11:48 PM.

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Flash 3-D Experiment 04: anaglyph with Papervision3D Bulk ordering 3-D glasses

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