3D TV Guide with Miley Cyrus

The current issue of TV Guide -- the July 21 to August 3, 2008 issue, the one with Miley Cyrus on the cover -- comes with a free pair of Hannah Montana 3-D glasses bound into the pages of the magazine, ideally suited for watching the Best of Both Worlds Concert.

Free Hannah Montana 3D glasses in TV Guide

The free Hannah Montana 3-D glasses are bound between pages 38 and 39 -- between the full page Disney Hannah Montana concert advertisement and the article on Miley Cyrus. You can't miss it, really.

The free Hannah Montana 3D glasses from TV Guide

You have to punch the glasses out along the perforations, and assemble them. No scissors, glue, or tape is required, they just fit together like so.

TV Guide is sold at newsstands and grocery stores. The cover price is $3.99. Since this is a "Double Issue," with two weeks of listings, one hopes it will be available for at least awhile.

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Free Hannah Montana 3-D glasses in TV Guide

This thing you are reading is "Free Hannah Montana 3-D glasses in TV Guide." It was posted by Sean Gleeson in the Glasses category on July 21, 2008 3:44 AM.

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