I do believe this is the Internet's only 3-D movie still from Journey to the Center of the Earth:

It is the only J.t.t.C.o.t.E. still in 3D on the Internet because I made it myself. Even though the film, which opens tomorrow, is in 3D, the official movie website is not in 3D, and in fact has no 3-D content whatsoever. All of the trailers and games and downloads are in 2D.

I understand the filmmakers' refusal to have a 3-D website. It's because their movie uses a polarized 3D projection, which gives results superior to red/blue anaglyph. But their 3-D method only works on the silver screen, not on computer monitors. If they had put 3D content on their website, it would have to have been in red/blue anaglyph, and they -- quite reasonably, I suppose -- didn't want to create confusion by having two 3D methods associated with their film.

But I am not bound by such restrictions. I thought there should be at least one still from Journey to the Center of the Earth in 3-D, so I made this one, from the theatrical trailer.

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Journey to the Center of the Earth, 3D movie still

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