
This photographer, who calls himself "khnemo," creates wondrous anaglyph nature photos. Quite simply some of the best work I've ever seen. I commend his entire Flickr gallery to your attention, as well as his WordPress blog. The text is all in German, but the pictures speak for themselves.

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Thank you for your interest and feedback. I’m feeling the need to do another one soon… I’m interested in your website too and I apply a Link in my blog. With greetings from Berlin to Oklahoma – khnemo

Back atcha, khnemo! Thanks especially for the link. This being a brand-new site, every link helps me tremendously. Keep taking pictures!

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Phenomenal stereo photography, by khnemo

This thing you are reading is "Phenomenal stereo photography, by khnemo." It was posted by Sean Gleeson in the Sites category on July 1, 2008 6:59 PM.

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Flash 3-D Experiment 03: Scripted scaling Flash 3-D Experiment 04: anaglyph with Papervision3D

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