Annika (Barbie), Aiden, and Shiver ride Brietta (Pegasus)

Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus is a 2005 animated movie in 3-D, starring the popular doll manufactured by Mattel. If you , it comes with four Barbie-branded pairs of 3-D glasses.

Annika (Barbie) and the gang in the ice cave

A steep stairway made of ice. No railing, either. That might be dangerous. The characters are Annika (played by Barbie), Aiden, the flying horse Pegasus (who is really Annika's sister Brietta), and Shiver the polar bear cub.

Shiver falls down the stairs

Whoops, there goes Shiver. The film, directed by Greg Richardson, is not entirely in 3-D, but it has several 3-D scenes, during which characters and objects are sometimes thown at the viewer.

Annika and Shiver vs. Ollie the Giant

In one scene, an evil giant attempts to cook and eat our heroine, garnished with evil giant vegetables. (Do you see the irony here? This is the only scene showing the character at something like her real-life scale.) For a soundtrack, the movie wisely uses pieces of Beethoven's Sixth Symphony, instead of all original music.

Barbie in the ice skating finale

The ice-skating celebration at the end seemed tacked-on to me. As if someone at Mattel called the director, and said, "What? She wears one dress throughout the whole film! We can't sell a Barbie with one dress! Add a scene with a different outfit, by Friday!" (Or perhaps the ice-skating scene is integral to the meaning of the film, and I'm just too thick to see it.)

Four pairs of Barbie 3D glasses come with the DVD

The at 10-to-15 dollars, and it includes four pairs of cardboard 3-D glasses! They're very pretty, and pink, and they say "Barbie" on the front. In fact, if for some reason you just needed some 3-D glasses in a hurry, you could buy this movie in a retail store to get the four pairs, and think of the DVD an added bonus.

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Scenes from "Barbie & the Magic of Pegasus" in 3D

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