There is a new page on Swell 3D. The "Color anaglyph methods compared" page shows the results of many different methods of creating color 3-D images, with a minimum of retinal rivalry and ghosting, and the greatest fidelity to the desired colors.
It all started like this. On July 8, I posted my 3D Club Penguin picture. The strong primary colors in that picture, especially the red and the blue shades, gave it an uncomfortable level of "retinal rivalry" (also called Binocular rivalry). And so on July 17 I made an optimized version, using an algorithm developed by Peter Wimmer.
But it didn't stop there. Following a discussion of image optimization on Flickr I have received submissions from five experts in 3D imagery from three continents, with different methods of optimizing color anaglyphs, all using my Club Penguin picture as their challenge. So now there is one page where you can compare their methods for yourself.
Counting Peter Wimmer, that's six experts whose knowledge has been put to work on the Club Penguin picture. If I wanted to put together an "All-Star" team of seasoned anaglyphic experts, I might draft these six men. And there may be more contributors on that page in the future, if any others decide to try their hand.
Oh. I thought it was something to do with this kind of .
But this entire site confuses me, so, you know.