Croscombe anaglyph by Alan Woollard

Somerset in 3D delivers exactly what its title promises, and more. Photographer Alan Woollard has spent years shooting superb 3D anaglyph pictures of the towns and villages of this county in the southwest of England. The sheer quantity of the collection is impressive. Gallery One is a list of all the Somerset towns and villages Woollard has visited, and each location links to its own page of 3D photos. A visitor could spend hours touring this gallery, clicking on one old Saxon place name after another -- beautiful names like Batcombe, Ditcheat, Moorlinch, Porlock Weir, and even Woollard -- and still not see all of the pictures.

I don't know much of anything about Somerset. (All I know is King Alfred burned the cakes there.) But after spending a morning on this site, I feel almost as familiar with it as with my own home town. That is a tribute to the photographer's skill; one gets the impression that he has a bond with the land, and with its history, that makes him an ideal guide.

In Gallery Two, Woollard ventures beyond his county line, to guide you through the rest of England, and to locales in five other European countries. He shoots Europe with the same skill, if not the same thoroughness, as Somerset. The visitor will return feeling refreshed.

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Tour Somerset and Europe in 3-D with Alan Woollard

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