Tatty Devine 3-D glasses necklace

Tatty Devine is a London purveyor of jewelry and accessories, who sells this interesting curio, a 3-D glasses necklace. Not just another pretty necklace, this is a real, functioning pair of anaglyph 3D glasses. It is made to resemble a cardboard pair, but it's really fashioned of acrylic and metal.

It's a neat idea, but they only come in red/green variety, which severely limits their usefulness. The high price (45 pounds) is another impediment. Still, I am encouraged to see 3-D glasses becoming so fashionable, even if in a postmodern ironic way.

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3-D glasses necklace by Tatty Devine

This thing you are reading is "3-D glasses necklace by Tatty Devine." It was posted by Sean Gleeson in the Glasses category on August 19, 2008 8:42 AM.

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