It's kind of fun to see blood cells flying around. This CGI animated video was made by Merck to illustrate how their drug Cozaar attaches itself to angiotensin II receptor sites in blood vessels. I would guess that this was intended for the British market, since it is optimized for red/green glasses, and the narrator has that accent. If you watch it with red/blue glasses, it will look kind of pink, but still good. For best results, watch this one in full screen.
3-D pharmaceutical video by Merck
This thing you are reading is "3-D pharmaceutical video by Merck." It was posted by Sean Gleeson in the Video category on August 11, 2008 10:43 AM.
The previous thing before this thing was "The Sheik's Daughter," Antique 3-D Cheesecake No. 5.
The next thing after this thing is The 3-D following eyes effect.
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