Bree Fountain anaglyph, by LOTRO player IceTeaMan

"LOTRO," or The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, is a multiplayer online game set in the fantasy world of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth. It requires Windows XP or Vista, and costs money, though you can try it free for 14 days.

The game itself is not in anaglyph, but one player calling himself "IceTeaMan" made five anaglyph screen shots from the game, and posted them to the LOTRO forum, which is where I found them. Click on any of these thumbnail pictures to see the full-resolution images. My thanks to IceTeaMan for making and sharing these anaglyphs, and kudos to the LOTRO developers for creating such a picturesque game.

Bree Boar Fountain, 3D anaglyph from Lord of the Rings Online game Gloin's Camp, 3D anaglyph from Lord of the Rings Online game Bree Town Hall, 3D anaglyph from Lord of the Rings Online game Last Homely Home, 3D anaglyph from Lord of the Rings Online game Gondamon, 3D anaglyph from Lord of the Rings Online game

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Five "Lord of the Rings" game anaglyphs

This thing you are reading is "Five "Lord of the Rings" game anaglyphs." It was posted by Sean Gleeson in the Software category on August 4, 2008 11:09 AM.

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