A new CGI animated 3-D movie, Fly Me to the Moon, is playing in select IMAX theaters. The film tells the improbable story of three adventurous flies, who stow away aboard the historic Apollo 11 flight to the moon. (I haven't seen it; it doesn't show in Oklahoma City until November. See the schedule to find out when it's playing near you.) The filmmakers have posted a gallery of 15 scenes from the movie on their website.
You'll notice from the images, that the characters don't look anything like flies. Instead, they look something like green chipmunks with wings. This, I believe, was a wise decision, as nobody could sympathize with realistic fly characters. You would spend the whole movie just hoping they would die.
But they also made some unwise decisions. These stills are just not good stereo images. You will find many of the pictures uncomfortable to look at, kind of difficult to fuse into a 3-D picture, and almost painful to try. What they did wrong was what we call "window violation." Apparently, this problem occurs not just in the stills, but throughout the movie. Stereoscopic expert Daniel Smith has done an excellent analysis of the errors in Fly Me to the Moon; he even fixes some of these stills, to show how they should have been done. Go read his post, and see for yourself how fixing the window violation makes the images much better.
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