Smoking Skull 3-D T-shirt by Dissizit

Have you ever caught yourself wondering, in the quiet hours when unbidden thoughts arise, if maybe 3-D glasses aren't cool? Well, knock it off. Dissizit is the streetwise clothing line of celebrated Los Angeles graffiti practitioner "Slick." These clothes are so cool that gang lords shoot each other for them, probably. And you'll never guess what the hottest, most sought-after Dissizit item is (unless you already read the headline or looked at the picture).

The Smoking Skull 3D T-Shirt costs $32, and comes with the dopest pair of cardboard 3-D glasses. There are two other Dissizit 3-D T-shirt styles, but they are too tasteless for me to post here.

(Hat tip to Andy, who posted about these two days ago, but I found them at a much lower price.)

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Do you know where I can get these t-shirts customized with my own design and logo…and order 25 of them?

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Skull 3-D T-Shirt, by Dissizit

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