Bouguereau painting converted to anaglyph by 3D Gugle

This is a detail of William-Adolphe Bouguereau's 1873 painting, L'Amour et Psyche, enfants. You can see it along with many other three-dimensional anaglyph conversions from two-dimensional works, in the gallery pages of 3D Gugle.

3D Gugle is software for making 3-D images. It costs anywhere from 46 to 3,500 euros, depending on which version and which license you get, but you can download a 20-day trial copy for free. Normally, I would try a piece of software before writing about it, but I have no plans to use 3D Gugle, because it only runs on Windows, and this is a Mac shop.

Since I am not using the program, I have no opinion whether it is easy to use, or whether it is worth the money, or whether it is the best way to generate 3D pictures. I will only tell you that the anaglyphs in the example galleries are very well done, and very much worth clicking over there and looking at.

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I’ve tried the program. It takes a few hours to pick up, but otherwise it’s very easy to use and can produce some very nice results.

This is a great website you have here, btw.

Hi, Can anyone work out how to activate the trial version of this? I have been plowing through the website word-by-word for about 3 hours and cannot find it?

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The 3D Gugle galleries

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