Today, of course, was International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Although I don't really have any 3-D pirate-related things to post right now, I do have a seafaring romance between a ferry pilot and a garbage scow hand.

"Scowboat Sadie" was a 3-D parody of the popular "romance" genre of comic books, published in Whack Comics Number 1, October 1953, edited by Norman Maurer and Joe Kubert.

There are two other great stories from this issue online, "The 3-D-Ts" and "Dirty Mouse."

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Awesome - such depth! Black and white comics work so well!

Greetings, Mr. Gleeson!

My name is Kevin Karstens, m an illustrator/cartoonist/animator for a living…;)

I looked everywhere on your site for an ‘email me’ option, didnt see it…so I am leavin’ you a message via this post…hope thats ok.

You do FANTASTIC 3D work, wanted to ask if you would be willing to help me with a 3D animatic I am working on?

I am adapting portions of ‘Stephen King’s THE MIST in 3D Sound’ to comic animatic frames…I have the art started, just need someone to turn my 2D artwork into 3D, and your skills would be most appreciated!

You can see a portion of the animatic, with sound (but no 3D yet!) and my art here…

Please email me at…

…hope to hear from you soon, and thanks in advance…


Sad to find a site like this one too late…

Good job!.

this site is great. it needs a link submission section though. check out

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Scowboat Sadie, from Whack Comics No. 1

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