Screen shot of 3D Manifesto, an anaglyphic blog by Patrick Swinnea

From Mr. Patrick Swinnea, a video producer and game developer in Colorado, comes 3D Manifesto, a blog about 3-D photography, cinema, technology, and related topics. Just launched last month, 3D Manifesto promises to become a valuable and enjoyable resource for the 3D enthusiast.

I especially like Patrick’s own anaglyph photography. Don’t miss his Toys and Models gallery, which is great fun. And of course I appreciate how he adds depth to the website design elements themselves (page backgrounds and certain headlines) as I have done at Swell 3D.

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Okay, this is actually nifty idea for a site. Maybe 3D glasses will become a popular accessory like the iPhone.

But I’ll only wear those blue and red ones from the 80s. Those at least had some style.

Hi Sean,

I very much enjoyed your site. You might be interested in my p2gStereoStage Flash applet. It’s freeware and can do killer multimedia presentations with photos, videos, and sound in 22 different anaglyph flavors, freeviewing, tfs, and more. You must see this for yourself; it’s hard to describe. Bring some time!

p2gStereoStage Home Page

Best Regards, Bill Schuelbe

Wow, Bill, that is an impressive app. I will certainly do a review of it here, when I have the time.

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3D Manifesto, new anaglyphic blog

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