Doctor Who (David Tennant) from The End of Time in 3-D

This is what Doctor Who would look like in 3-D, if they made Doctor Who in 3-D. Sadly, they do not. I am so, so, sorry.

I made this frame from into a 3-D anaglyph myself, with a depth map. Great episode. If you haven’t seen it, you should. And if you have, you should see it again.

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I would like to hereby request some 3-D conversions from the greatest Doctor Who episode of all time: Blink.

Thank you.

I’d also be interested in a howto to do depth map conversions like that.

Oh, man, those carnivorous statues reaching out of the frame at you would be pretty awesome. I’ll make some.

And yes, I really should make a real depth map tutorial here. I said so two years ago, and it’s still true. Where does the time go? I’ll get right on that.

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Doctor Who in 3-D

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