It gets weird after 30 seconds:

"Moving Still" is a short video by artist Santiago Caicedo, in anaglyph 3-D. You're riding in a train through an urban landscape, looking out the window. You might not notice anything very unusual for the first 30 seconds (things happen, but they are subtle). After awhile, though, you witness dramatic upheavals as the city frantically destroys and rebuilds itself.

I think it's a comment on our passivity and inattention, as we shuttle from point A to point B, largely ignoring the miraculous events of creation and rebirth going on around us all the time. But maybe I'm wrong about that. Whatever it means, it's a quite watchable video.

(Don't forget, the player has a "full screen" button near the lower right corner. Full screen is the way to go here.)

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"Moving Still," video by Santiago Caicedo

This thing you are reading is ""Moving Still," video by Santiago Caicedo." It was posted by Sean Gleeson in the Video category on June 27, 2008 2:21 PM.

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