Before the Bath

I am starting a new series on this site, called "Antique 3-D Cheesecake." A hundred years ago, just as now, female beauty was a popular subject for photographers and their patrons. To me, the regnant style of that period seems more decent and tasteful -- and not incidentally more beautiful -- than that of today. But whether you agree with that opinion or not, you will surely rejoice to see these long-hidden works of art once again uncovered, as it were.

Every week or so, I will be posting an antique stereograph glamour photo, converted to red/cyan anaglyph for 3-D glasses. This is the first. It's titled "Before the Bath." It was published in 1902, by the H.C. White Company of North Bennington, Vermont.

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Congratulation for this fine project!

[ »To me, the regnant style of that period seems more decent and tasteful — and not incidentally more beautiful — than that of today.«] – – – Oh, yes, I agree.

Now it’s my new idea – I´m starting a new »site« on my blog today with a continuous content – step by step I apply the links to »Antique 3-D Cheesecake« Number 1 … 2 … 3 … accompanied by pictures of antique stereoscopes. I think, that will be a »historical site«. Best regards – khnemo

That is a wonderful idea, khnemo!

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"Before the Bath" - Antique 3-D Cheesecake No. 1

This thing you are reading is ""Before the Bath" - Antique 3-D Cheesecake No. 1." It was posted by Sean Gleeson in the Glamour category on July 15, 2008 9:34 PM.

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