Hannah Montana Glasses and Wig on a Cow Skull.jpg

Here at the Swell 3D labs, we rigorously test every product we recommend, evaluating for every conceivable use. For three days now, we've been testing those free Hannah Montana 3-D glasses that we got on Sunday from Wal-Mart.

As the photograph above shows, the Hannah Montana 3-D glasses passed the "cow skull and Hannah Montana wig" test. This is encouraging news indeed, from an anaglyphic standpoint. (NB: viewing this photo requires wearing Hannah Montana 3-D glasses.) We may keep you apprised of further tests in the coming days.

If you don't have your free Hannah Montana 3-D glasses yet, they are available at Wal-Mart, for free.

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Hannah Montana 3-D glasses, third day of testing

This thing you are reading is "Hannah Montana 3-D glasses, third day of testing." It was posted by Sean Gleeson in the Notes category on July 15, 2008 9:11 AM.

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Saint Bonaventure painting in 3-D "Before the Bath" - Antique 3-D Cheesecake No. 1

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