I suppose everyone who needs to know this already knows it. But just in case you were wondering, the "Disney Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus Best of Both Worlds Concert" is broadcast tonight, Saturday, July 26, 2008, in stunning 3-D, on the Disney Channel, at 8:00 p.m., or 7:00 Central Time.

If you are planning to see the show, I hope you have your 3-D glasses already, whether they came free from Wal-Mart, or bound in this week's TV Guide, or some other source. If not, there is still just barely time to make your own. Enjoy the show.

And after the show? Keep the glasses! There is an abundance of really cool games, videos, photos, and movies to look at in 3-D. This site, Swell 3D, is a place to find them. Add it to your bookmarks, and check back here.

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Hannah Montana 3-D concert tonight

This thing you are reading is "Hannah Montana 3-D concert tonight." It was posted by Sean Gleeson in the Notes category on July 26, 2008 10:58 AM.

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