Greg Elmensdorp's 3-D illustration for Cory Doctorow's story Printcrime

Artist and anaglyph enthusiast Greg Elmensdorp has been mentioned in this venue before, for making the parodic 3-D John McCain video featured on "The Colbert Report" in July. On his website, Elmensdorp has a sizable gallery of 3-D photographs (81 images), and a fine gallery of converted stereographs from the Library of Congress photo archives (62 images). I am pleased to notice that Elmensdorp's taste in stereographs intersects with my own; many of the antique photos I have posted here on Swell 3D are also on his site.

But the best -- and regrettably the smallest -- gallery is the one which holds his 3-D drawings and collages (six images). His illustration (above) for "Printcrime," a sci-fi short story by Cory Doctorow, shows a refreshingly original style, and an effective use of depth and hatch-shading. I want to see more like that!

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3-D art by Greg Elmensdorp

This thing you are reading is "3-D art by Greg Elmensdorp." It was posted by Sean Gleeson in the Sites category on August 22, 2008 12:57 PM.

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