Gamma 3D

Big news for game developers. Kokoromi, a Montreal-based collective of game makers, has announced that stereoscopic games will be the theme of their third annual GAMMA event ("GAMMA" stands for Game Art Montreal, somehow), to be held Wed., Nov. 19 at the Society for Arts and Technology center, in conjunction with the Montreal International Game Summit.

The highlight of the event will be a curated show of 3-D games, and the group is seeking submissions from game developers to be judged. The competition is open to anyone in the world. You don't have to be Canadian, or attend the show, to submit a game for consideration. To be considered, the game must use red/cyan anaglyph in a way that is integral to the gameplay, not just as a superfluous addition. Other technical specifications can be found on the Gamma 3D page, and questions are answered in this forum discussion.

If you're planning to attend the event, there is hotel and airline information for travelers.

If you're planning to enter the competition, the deadline for entries is Wed., Oct. 15. That's kind of tight for a slowpoke like me, so I don't know if I'll have anything to submit myself by then. But I am looking forward to seeing what comes out of this show. Expect to see a whole lot of quality 3-D games in November!

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Gamma 3D competition for 3-D game developers

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