Well, today is the day...

On August 13, Six Apart released a new 4.2 version of Movable Type. "Movable Type Pro" is what they're calling it, and it's supposed to be packed with cool new features. I haven't upgraded yet, but today is the day I'm going to try it. Today, if everything goes right, Swell 3D will be powered by MT Pro 4.2.

I'm telling you now, as a sort of warning. If you get here and things don't look right, if the templates are all messed up, if pages aren't loading correctly, if content is missing, it just means I'm still trying to get the upgrade to work. Thank you for your patience.

I made the little doodle above in Neave Anaglyph, because it's fun and easy. (I thought I should do one thing today that is fun and easy.)

UPDATE 4:42 p.m.: It worked! I'm on MT Pro now! That wasn't bad at all. If you spot anything not working right, please just let me know in the comments.

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nice article

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Upgrading to MT Pro today

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