An ancient steep stone stairway that leads up to the sunlit world:

Ancient Stone Stairway 3D anaglyph conversion

A dungeon? A sewer? A tomb? Beats me. It was a stock photo by Polish photographer Michal Adamczyk, but that's all I know about it. I converted it to 3-D anaglyph with Photoshop using a depth map. There is a very cool atmosphere to it, don't you think?

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I’m quite curious about this ‘depth map’ process. Probably defeats the purpose of being The site to find anaglyphs, but I’d be interested in a tutorial.

I would much rather be The site to find knowledge about anaglyphs than merely the site to find anaglyphs. This site really does need a good, comprehensive tutorial for depth map conversions. I’ll try to add one soon, maybe over the Labor Day weekend.

Hello again Sean I followed your example and converted steps of a staircase by myself: it’s in one of the towers of the “Sagrada Familia” in Barcelona.

Wow this is amazing! is there any way I can learn how to use these depth maps? I’d like to convert some photos from the past. Is a tutorial floating around the web? all the best, Felix

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The ancient stone stairway

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