On Sept. 5, the European Space Agency's Rosetta probe transmitted dramatic 3-D photographs of 2867 Steins, an asteroid in the belt orbiting the sun between Mars and Jupiter. Because of its shape and unusual brightness, Steins has been called a "diamond in the sky."

3-D anaglyph image of Steins asteroid, shot by ESA's Rosetta Space Probe on Sept. 5, 2008

3-D anaglyph image of Steins asteroid, shot by ESA's Rosetta Space Probe on Sept. 5, 2008

The Rosetta craft will be approaching the larger asteroid 21 Lutetia in July of 2010, and will actually land on the surface of a comet in November of 2014, and ride on it around the sun for a year! Stay tuned.

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Photos of Steins asteroid by the Rosetta space probe

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