3-D anaglyph Land O'Lakes butter logo with the famous Indian maiden

I made a 3-D anaglyph out of the logo of Land O'Lakes butter, starring their beautiful Indian maiden, who has graced their packages since 1928. From now through October 15, Land O'Lakes is giving away free butter. Buy a pound of their new "half-stick" butter, and mail in the UPC and your receipt with the rebate coupon (a printable PDF), and they will refund your money (up to $4.39).

I am not publishing this at the request of Land O'Lakes, nor am I being compensated to promote their butter. Rather, this is merely a sympathetic response to francophone blogger Kevin, who likes everything about Swell 3D, except that it is written in English, and provides no free butter:

Seul bémol, le site est en anglais mais bon on peut pas avoir le beurre et l’argent du beurre.

Merci, Kevin! I have no plans to stop writing in English, but I'm happy to provide the butter free of charge.

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Thank you for the post, and I’ll continue to look about the progress of Swell3D, I’m very interesting and happy by this old 3D.

Sorry for my english, I’ve made what I can.

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Le beurre, et l'argent du beurre

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