Stereo pictures are not just for fun and entertainment, they are also for documenting history. At least since 1865, the horror and destruction of war have been recorded in 3-D photographs. Now, we may see the devastation of the September 11 attack in 3-D aerial photos.

Aerial 3D anaglyph Ground Zero photograph   Aerial 3D anaglyph Ground Zero photograph

On Sept. 16, 2001, CNN posted video of a helicopter view of New York City, still smoldering from the deadly attack on the World Trade Center five days earlier. Photographer David Friedman made sixteen 3-D anaglyph images from CNN's video footage. The images are very small; their size was limited by the dimensions of CNN's streaming video. But even at this size, they are haunting images of evil, and the 3-D makes them all the more real.

Aerial 3D anaglyph Ground Zero photograph   Aerial 3D anaglyph Ground Zero photograph

As the anniversary of the 9/11 attack once again approaches, please remember the victims, and pray for our country.

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Aerial Ground Zero photos from Sept. 2001 footage

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