Barcinski and Jeanjean 3-D anaglyph Flash website

I don't want to overuse words like "awesome," lest they lose their force. Things that are merely admirable should not be called awesome; only those things that inspire wonder and dread for their great beauty and genius merit this description. So, you should understand how serious a remark it is, when I say this site is awesome.

Mark Barcinski and Adrien Jeanjean are multimedia designers in Amsterdam. Their newly launched portfolio website,, uses anaglyphic 3-D navigation to display the samples of their impressive work.

The designers themselves are standing in a panoramic view of Amsterdam (which you can rotate 360 degrees by moving your cursor over the arrows to the left and right). Their portfolio samples are represented as paper sheets hovering in a ring around them, as though they were emanating from the artists' minds.

Upon entering, you have the option of playing a little 3-D ping-pong game while the site loads. Even the little game is cool! If it were a stand-alone game rather than a pre-loader, I would still be writing about it: simple and fun, excellent use of 3-D physics.

The blog entry about the site explains how they built it in Adobe Flash with Actionscript 3 and the Papervision3D engine. It will be relatively easy to modify their portfolio in the future, since the data and images are loaded with external XML, so we may look forward to updates.

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thanks for all the posts! helped me get the know how for my website. might interest you:

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The panoramic Barcinski & Jeanjean portfolio site

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