In my continuing quest to improve Swell 3D, last night I made little square thumbnail images for all the entries. These pictures will make it easier and more fun to navigate through the content of the website. Look, here are some now!

The woman in the white skirt Where to find 3-D bugs, insects, and spiders Flash 3-D Experiment 06: anaglyph cards with PV3D "Before the Bath" - Antique 3-D Cheesecake No. 1 Tour Somerset and Europe in 3-D with Alan Woollard Journey to the Center of the Earth, 3D movie still Turn 2D painting into 3D anaglyph with depth map

Monster's Guide to V 48hours Bjork's 3-D video, Flash 3-D Experiment 04: anaglyph with Papervision3D Phenomenal stereo photography, by khnemo Flash 3-D Experiment 03: Scripted scaling Pro-X red/blue anaglyph glasses Playing with Google Sketchup

Eventually, the thumbnails will be incorporated into several navigation controls. For now, you can see all of them on the Archives page. See, isn't that better than just a bunch of text links?

I had planned this improvement for some time, but my stumbling block was Movable Type; it seems they won't let you add custom fields to the entry data unless you pay them $300, which I am not about to do. So I had to figure out a good way to associate a thumbnail image with each entry without having a custom field for it.

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Better navigation with thumbnail images

This thing you are reading is "Better navigation with thumbnail images." It was posted by Sean Gleeson in the Notes category on August 1, 2008 8:55 AM.

Better navigation with thumbnail images Swell 3D Home Page
Swell 3D Archives
Anaglyph proves Hermione's chest not enlarged "Girl and Butterfly," by Abby

The previous thing before this thing was Anaglyph proves Hermione's chest not enlarged.

The next thing after this thing is "Girl and Butterfly," by Abby.

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